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Weed and Meditation: Is there a connection?

Weed and Meditation: Is there a connection?

Meditation and cannabis have each been practiced for thousands of years, both independently and together, by cultures seeking relaxation, insight, and a deeper connection with themselves. But in today’s modern wellness culture, many are wondering: can cannabis enhance meditation? How do weed and meditation interact?

In this article, we’ll explore the relationship between weed and meditation, the science behind how cannabis affects the brain, and practical steps for meditating with cannabis. Whether you’re curious about trying “meditating high vs meditating sober,” or just exploring how weed and spirituality might intersect, this guide has you covered.

The history of meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice, with roots in early Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist traditions, dating back thousands of years. Over time, it has evolved into a wide variety of techniques, from mindfulness meditation to transcendental and Zen meditation. The primary goal of meditation has always been to cultivate awareness and mindfulness—learning to stay present in the moment and manage thoughts without becoming attached to them.

Understanding meditation: A path to mindfulness

Before diving into how cannabis might affect meditation, it’s essential to understand the purpose and goals of meditation. Meditation is a mental exercise that involves focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a calm and clear state of awareness. It’s not just about relaxation—it’s about training your brain to stay present and not be easily distracted by random thoughts.

There are various types of meditation, including:

  1. Mindfulness Meditation: Focusing on the present moment without judgment.
  2. Guided Meditation: Listening to a guide who leads you through meditation.
  3. Zen Meditation: Also known as Zazen, this type of meditation emphasizes posture and breathing.
  4. Transcendental Meditation: Involves the use of a mantra to help the mind transcend thought.

The goal in all forms of meditation is to cultivate a state of mindfulness, where you’re fully aware of the present without becoming attached to your thoughts or feelings. However, reaching a deep meditative state can take years of practice and patience. This is where some people believe cannabis may help.

How Cannabis affects the mind and Body

Cannabis contains compounds called cannabinoids, the most well-known being THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is the compound responsible for the “high” associated with marijuana, while CBD is non-psychoactive and often linked to relaxation and therapeutic effects.

THC: The High

When THC enters the body, it binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, particularly in areas responsible for pleasure, memory, thinking, and perception. This is what causes the euphoric feeling or “high” that cannabis is known for. It can make users feel relaxed, introspective, or more connected to their surroundings. Some people report that THC helps them focus or find a deeper sense of clarity, while others find it can make their thoughts race or become scattered.

CBD: Relaxation without the High

CBD, on the other hand, doesn’t have the same psychoactive effects as THC. It’s known for its potential to reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and relieve pain without altering your mental state. This makes it appealing to those who want the calming effects of cannabis without feeling “stoned.”

The connection between Cannabis and Meditation

Now that we’ve explored what meditation and cannabis do separately, how do they interact when combined? Here are some potential ways cannabis might influence meditation, both positively and negatively.

1. Enhanced relaxation

One of the most obvious reasons people turn to cannabis for meditation is to relax. Meditation can be difficult for beginners because quieting the mind and relaxing the body can take time and practice. Cannabis, especially strains high in CBD, can help ease physical tension, making it easier to enter a meditative state.

Some users report that cannabis helps them let go of distractions, anxiety, or stress, allowing them to focus more on their breath or meditation object.

2. Deepened awareness or introspection

Cannabis can sometimes heighten your sensory awareness and deepen your introspective abilities. This could potentially allow for a more profound meditation experience, especially in practices like mindfulness meditation, where observing your thoughts without attachment is key.

With cannabis, some individuals find it easier to connect with their inner selves, let go of mental barriers, and explore deeper layers of their consciousness. This heightened introspection could lead to new insights during meditation.

3. Heightened focus

Certain cannabis strains, particularly sativa-dominant ones, are known for boosting energy and focus. These effects might help meditators concentrate on their practice, especially in guided meditations or mantras, where focus is critical.

However, this can be a double-edged sword. While some people find that cannabis helps them concentrate, others may experience the opposite effect—racing thoughts or an inability to sit still, which can disrupt meditation.

4. Decreased anxiety

For those who struggle with anxiety, both meditation and CBD-heavy cannabis strains are popular remedies. Combining them might offer enhanced benefits. CBD’s anti-anxiety properties could make it easier to let go of worries, allowing you to settle into meditation more smoothly.

In particular, beginners who feel self-conscious or anxious about their meditation practice might find that a little CBD can help them feel more comfortable and less intimidated by the process.

Potential downsides of using Cannabis during Meditation

While there are many potential benefits, it’s important to note that combining cannabis with meditation isn’t for everyone. Here are some possible downsides:

1. Impaired cognitive function

Cannabis, especially THC-heavy strains, can impair short-term memory and cognitive function. Since meditation often requires focus and a clear mind, being “stoned” could hinder your ability to stay present and aware. Instead of helping you focus, THC could make your thoughts more scattered.

2. Dependence on Cannabis

One of the main goals of meditation is to learn to manage your mind without relying on external substances. By incorporating cannabis into your meditation practice, there’s a risk of becoming reliant on it to achieve a relaxed or focused state.

Over time, you may find it difficult to meditate without cannabis, which could reduce the effectiveness of meditation as a standalone practice. It’s important to use cannabis as a complement rather than a crutch.

3. Altered perception of time

Cannabis can distort your perception of time, making it feel like it’s passing faster or slower than it really is. While this might not be an issue for some, it could throw off your meditation practice, particularly if you’re using a timer or trying to follow a structured routine.

4. Risk of overconsumption

When combining cannabis with meditation, dosing is key. Too much cannabis, especially THC, can lead to anxiety, paranoia, or even panic attacks. These effects are counterproductive to meditation, which aims to reduce stress and promote calmness. It’s essential to start with a low dose and see how it affects your body and mind before increasing your intake.

Is there a relationship between Weed and Meditation?

The question on many minds today is whether cannabis and meditation can work together. Weed, particularly THC and CBD, affects the brain in ways that could potentially enhance focus, relaxation, and introspection—qualities that are beneficial to meditation. Some users report that weed helps them feel more connected and mindful during their practice. Still, others find it distracts them, raising concerns like, does weed affect meditation?

Understanding this relationship requires exploring how cannabis impacts the brain and body.

How Weed affects the brain

CBD in anxiety reduction

CBD is widely known for its calming effects, often reducing anxiety and stress. This can be a huge benefit for meditation, as many people find it difficult to quiet the mind due to overthinking or anxiety. When used mindfully, CBD-heavy strains of cannabis might make it easier to relax into meditation.

Acute changes in Cerebral blood flow

THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, can cause acute changes in cerebral blood flow, which affects areas of the brain involved in pleasure, perception, and cognition. While this heightened awareness might help with deep introspection during meditation, it could also result in scattered thoughts, which can disrupt mindfulness. This brings up the comparison of meditating high vs meditating sober—some may find heightened awareness beneficial, while others may struggle to stay present.

The effects of Smoking Weed before Meditating

There are mixed opinions on whether smoking weed affects meditation positively or negatively. Some users claim it helps them relax, clear their minds, and focus, while others say it scatters their thoughts or diminishes the quality of their meditation session.

How to use Weed and Meditation to clear the mind

To effectively combine weed and meditation, many suggest starting with low doses of cannabis, especially CBD-heavy strains, to help clear the mind without feeling too “high.” This way, users can ease into a meditative state while remaining grounded.

Steps to Meditating with Weed

Find a quiet space

Your environment is key when it comes to meditation, especially when incorporating cannabis. Make sure you have a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.

Get comfortable

Like any meditation practice, getting comfortable is essential. Use a chair, cushion, or even lie down—whatever makes you feel relaxed.

Decide on timing for smoking Weed

Timing your cannabis intake is crucial. Some prefer to smoke right before meditation, while others like to smoke 10-15 minutes beforehand, allowing time for the cannabis to settle in their system. Experiment to find what works best for you.

Conclude the session

After meditation, take time to slowly come back to your surroundings. Reflect on how the session felt—did cannabis enhance your focus, or did it make it harder to stay mindful?

Benefits of Cannabis and Meditation

For many, combining weed and meditation offers multiple benefits, including:

  • Enhanced relaxation
  • Deeper introspection
  • Heightened sensory awareness
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Potential spiritual connection (weed and spirituality)

Remember: Weed and Meditation might not be for Everyone

While some enjoy the combination of meditating with cannabis, others might find it disruptive. It’s important to assess how cannabis affects your body and mind during meditation, especially for those who are new to this practice or have concerns like does smoking weed affects medication absorption.

Finding what works for you through elevate holistics

Every person’s experience with cannabis and meditation is unique. Elevate Holistics can help guide you in finding a tailored approach to how to meditate with weed based on your individual needs and goals.

Beginner’s guide to Marijuana and Meditation

If you’re new to combining marijuana and meditation, here are some key tips to ensure a successful and mindful experience.

The benefits of using Marijuana For Meditation

Cannabis may enhance relaxation, make it easier to quiet the mind, and help reduce stress, especially when starting a meditation practice.

How to use Marijuana For Meditation

  • Routes of Administration: Whether you prefer smoking, vaping, or using edibles, each method affects your body and meditation experience differently.
  • Dosing: Start with a low dose, especially if you’re new to using cannabis during meditation. This will help you avoid overwhelming effects like anxiety or paranoia.
  • Strain Selection: Choose strains that promote relaxation and focus. CBD-heavy or hybrid strains are often ideal for meditating.

Top Marijuana Strains For Meditation

Some of the top cannabis strains for meditation include:

  • ACDC (CBD-heavy)
  • Blue Dream (balanced hybrid)
  • Northern Lights (Indica for relaxation)

Marijuana And Meditation: Tips For beginners

If you’re new to weed and meditation, start slow, and remember that the goal is to deepen mindfulness, not lose control. Don’t rush the process—experiment with different strains, dosages, and meditation techniques until you find what works for you.

Best practices for combining Cannabis and Meditation

If you’re curious about experimenting with cannabis and meditation, here are some tips to do so mindfully and safely:

  1. Start with a low dose: Especially if you’re new to cannabis or using it in combination with meditation, start with a small dose. You can always increase it later, but it’s much harder to undo the effects of overconsumption.
  2. Choose the Right Strain: The strain of cannabis you choose will greatly influence your meditation experience. Sativa strains tend to be more energizing and focus-enhancing, while Indica strains are more relaxing and sedative. For beginners, CBD-dominant strains are a great option, as they provide relaxation without the psychoactive effects of THC.
  3. Meditate in a Comfortable Space: Choose a calm, peaceful environment where you feel safe and won’t be interrupted. This will help reduce any anxiety or discomfort that might arise from the combination of cannabis and meditation.
  4. Set an Intention: Before starting your meditation, take a moment to set an intention. Whether it’s to relax, deepen your focus, or explore your inner self, having a clear goal can help guide your meditation session and ensure you’re using cannabis purposefully.
  5. Stay Mindful of Your Experience: Pay attention to how cannabis is affecting your meditation practice. Are you more focused, relaxed, or introspective? Or do you feel distracted, anxious, or disconnected? Use this information to adjust your dose, strain, or practice accordingly.


The combination of cannabis and meditation can be a powerful tool for those seeking relaxation, introspection, or a deeper connection to themselves. However, it’s not for everyone, and the effects of cannabis on meditation will vary from person to person.

Ultimately, the key is to approach the combination of weed and meditation with mindfulness and caution. Start slow, listen to your body, and remember that meditation, at its core, is about learning to manage your mind without relying on external substances. Cannabis can be a helpful aid, but it’s not a replacement for the discipline and practice that meditation requires.


1. Can Cannabis Help with Meditation?

Yes, for some people, cannabis can help enhance meditation by promoting relaxation, focus, and heightened sensory awareness. Weed’s calming properties might help you enter a meditative state more easily, especially if you struggle with anxiety or racing thoughts. When used mindfully, it may help slow down the mind and deepen concentration.

However, not everyone experiences the same effects. While some find cannabis to be a helpful aid, others may experience increased distraction or anxiety. The key is understanding how your body reacts to different strains of cannabis and dosages.

2. What are the Best Cannabis Strains for Meditation?

Choosing the right strain is crucial for a productive cannabis-assisted meditation session. Indica strains are often preferred due to their relaxing and calming effects, which can help ease the body and mind into a meditative state. Strains high in CBD (cannabidiol) can also be beneficial, as they reduce anxiety without the psychoactive effects of THC.

Here are a few strains known to enhance relaxation and focus:

  • Northern Lights (Indica): Renowned for its deeply relaxing effects, this strain can help you achieve physical and mental tranquility.
  • Harlequin (Sativa): High in CBD, this strain provides mental clarity and relaxation without a strong psychoactive high.
  • Granddaddy Purple (Indica): Known for its calming properties, this strain helps relieve stress and anxiety, promoting a peaceful state of mind.

The effects of each strain will vary depending on the individual, so experimenting with different types in a mindful setting is recommended.

3. How should I use Weed to enhance Meditation?

If you’re considering combining weed with meditation, here are a few tips to enhance your experience:

  • Start Slow: Use small amounts, especially if you’re new to cannabis. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it to avoid overwhelming your senses.
  • Set an Intention: Just as you would with a regular meditation session, set an intention for your practice. Whether it’s to relax, clear your mind, or focus on breathwork, having a goal can enhance the effects.
  • Use Mindful Breathing: Cannabis can enhance sensory perception, making it easier to focus on your breath. Try deep, rhythmic breathing to anchor your mind in the present.
  • Be in a Comfortable Environment: Ensure your meditation space is quiet, comfortable, and free of distractions. Cannabis may amplify external stimuli, so creating a peaceful environment is key.

4. What are the potential downsides of using Cannabis for Meditation?

While many people report positive effects, there are potential downsides to using cannabis for meditation:

  • Increased Anxiety: For some, THC can increase anxiety, especially in high doses. This can disrupt your meditation practice and make it harder to relax.
  • Distraction: Depending on the strain, cannabis may lead to wandering thoughts, making it difficult to stay focused on your meditation.
  • Over-reliance: Relying too much on cannabis to reach a meditative state may hinder your ability to meditate naturally over time.

It’s essential to be mindful of these potential drawbacks and adjust your usage accordingly.

5. Is It safe to Meditate While high?

Meditating while using cannabis is generally considered safe when done responsibly. However, it’s important to listen to your body and mind. Start with low doses and experiment with different strains to find what works best for you. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, it’s okay to pause the session and try again later.

For a safer experience, opt for high-CBD, low-THC strains, as they can provide relaxation without the intense psychoactive effects of THC.

Can you meditate while stoned?

Yes, many people meditate while high, although the experience varies. Some find heightened awareness, while others may struggle to maintain focus.

Is weed OK in Buddhism?

Traditional Buddhism often discourages mind-altering substances, but some modern practitioners incorporate cannabis for spiritual reasons.

Does CBD help you meditate?

Yes, CBD is known to reduce anxiety and help users relax, making it easier to settle into meditation without the psychoactive effects of THC.

Does smoking weed affect medication absorption?

Yes, cannabis can interact with certain medications, so it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before combining the two.

What is the spiritual practice of cannabis?

In various cultures, cannabis has been used as a spiritual aid for thousands of years, helping to induce introspection, connect with higher consciousness, and deepen mindfulness practices.

By mindfully combining weed and meditation, many find that they can enhance their overall meditation experience. However, it’s essential to remember that not everyone will benefit from this combination, and it’s important to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.