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Countries where Cannabis is legal: Marijuana law and regulation around the World

Countries Where Cannabis is Legal: Marijuana Law and Regulation Around the World

The legalization of cannabis is not a new concept in the global world today as the number of countries legalising the plant for medical and or social use is on the increase. With changing sovereign-dom toward marijuana and scientific research that espouses that it has benefits more countries are legalizing Cannabis. But where in the world is cannabis legal and where is it still unlawful?

This organized piece of writing looks at countries where Cannabis is legal and the rationale behind legalizing it as well as the rules put in place. I am sure anyone who knows a thing or two about cannabis, thinking of traveling or is an investor, wanting to know the market of cannabis will find this guide helpful.

What does It mean when Cannabis is legal?

It will be useful, however, to define cannabis legalization first before going into the specifics of this phenomenon. In its simplest terms legalization is the act of allowing the use of cannabis for medical, recreational, or for both purposes. In legal marijuana states, people are allowed to use, buy, and sell cannabis in an uninterrupted manner that does not encroach on the law.

On the other hand, the legalization of the use of Cannabis depends on different countries in the world. While some countries have now fully legalized cannabis, others only allow the medical use of cannabis with certain conditions. In some locations, it is still totally illegal. Well, where in the world is cannabis legal, and where should you tread carefully?

It is now about time to discover the countries where the consumption of cannabis is legal and look at possible explanations for such decisions.

Places where Weed is legal for personal use

1. Canada: A global leader in Cannabis legalization

In 2018 Canada joined Uruguay in becoming the second country in the world to fully legalize cannabis for recreational use. In Canada, any adult over the age of 18 years can legally consume cannabis for any purpose with the passage of the cannabis act.

Regulations in Canada:

  • Possession: They may carry up to thirty grams of dried cannabis in public places.
  • Purchasing: It can be purchased from licensed vendors both physically and online.
  • Cultivation: Adults can also legally cultivate up to four plants per household for their consumption.

Legalization of cannabis for recreational use: Why did Canada do it? Some of the reasons Canada legalized cannabis include; market regulation, elimination of the black market, and need for a new tax source.

The Cannabis Act also has the objective of safeguarding public health through the proper cultivation and marketing of the substance. Since Canada was among the pioneering countries to legalize the recreational use of cannabis, other countries can emulate Canada.

2. Uruguay: The first country to legalize the use of Marijuana

Uruguay became the first country in the world, to legalize the recreational use of cannabis back in 2013. According to the Cannabis Law, people of Uruguay can buy this product in pharmacies, cultivate it at home, or become members of the cannabis clubs.

    Regulations in Uruguay:

    Purchase Limits: Government regulation permits adults to purchase up to 40 grams of cannabis within a month’s timeframe.
    Cultivation: People may legally cultivate up to six plants in their households under the law.
    Distribution: The government controls the production and supply.

    It is very important to ask this question because there are certain factors behind this decision; The legalize cannabis in Uruguay:%Sinh:|The following question is important because there are some factors which influence the decision: The measures to legalize cannabis in Uruguay focused on the reduction of the sales of illicit drugs and the enhancement of security, and oversight of the cannabis market.

    Uruguay assumed that by controlling the market for the drug they would reduce any violence that was associated with drug cartels and shield users from substandard products.

    3. The Netherlands: This city is also famous for Cannabis coffee shops

    Currently, the use of cannabis is not legal in The Netherlands but use is highly permitted. The country permits the sale of cannabis in registered proprietory establishments called coffee shops but under certain conditions. Possession of up to 5 grams of marijuana is legal for the public and the use of marijuana in particular regions is permitted as well.

      Regulations in The Netherlands:

      • Coffeeshops: Coffee shops, through which cannabis can be sold, must meet certain requirements of licensing.
      • Public Consumption: Most places to avoid consuming alcohol, however; there are allocated sections where the public can drink.
      • Cultivation: It is legal to cultivate up to five of the crop for personal use.

      Why does the Netherlands permit Cannabis? The action of the Dutch people towards this substance is in line with the principle called harm reduction. Cannabis is considered a ‘soft drug’ by the country – it has concentrated on regulating the market to make a clear distinction from the hard drugs.

      The aim is to reduce the ill effects of cannabis use while at the same time decreasing Illegal drug traffic.

      Places where Marijuana is legal for Medical purposes

      1. Germany: Providing Europe with the Greatest Access to Medical Cannabis

      Germany legalized medical marijuana in 2017 and has become one of the biggest markets of cannabis in Europe. The country permits legal consumption of the substance through prescription to patients who have various medical conditions.

        Regulations in Germany:

        • Prescription: Medical Marijuana can only be accessed through a doctor’s prescription in UK.
        • Products: It is available to patients in the form of flowers, oils, and extracts.
        • Insurance: Most insurers here treat medical cannabis as a standard medication by extending coverage to it in cases of certain diseases.

        The legal questions of medical cannabis in Germany are the next subject: Why is Medical Cannabis Legal in Germany? Germany legalized medical marijuana with evidence it relieves chronic illnesses including but not limited to cancer, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain.

        The country sees cannabis as a viable therapeutic aid for patients who have not benefited from other forms of medicine.

        2. Australia: Amplifying People’s possibility to use Medical Marijuana

        There have been steady reforms and liberalization of medical marijuana use in Australia. Since 2016, under the prescription, patients with several diseases could have cannabis. The Medicinal Cannabis Scheme allows people to access cannabis products from certified dealers.

          Regulations in Australia:

          • Prescription: Medical marijuana can only be advised for ailing such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and nausea as a result of chemotherapy.
          • Access: It remains a controlled substance so patients have to seek consent from the government and can buy it only from qualified growers.
          • Cultivation: Unfortunately, whilst medical use is legally permitted, personal cultivation is not.

          Why has Australia legalized medical marijuana? The legalization of medical cannabis in Australia was a result of the arguments based on the findings that it has medical value. The government also wants to give patients a better option other than standard medication that may have serious side effects.

          3. Israel: A global Pioneer in Medical Cannabis research

            Modern ground for medical cannabis studies may be attributed to the long history of research that started in Israel. It legalized medical marijuana in 1999 and today boasts one of the most developed cannabis systems in the globe. Cancer PTSD and chronic pain patients may acquire medical marijuana from registered physicians.

            Regulations in Israel:

            • Conditions Treated: Some diseases that are treated by cannabis are cancer, PTSD, and chronic pain.
            • Cultivation: There are those patients who are allowed to cultivate marijuana at their homes though under special circumstances.
            • Distribution: Cultivation and distribution of cannabis are well controlled by the government of the respective country.

            Why Israel: Leadership in Medical Cannabis? Israel is one of the leading countries in cannabis research; universities such as the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have run experiments related to the medical use of cannabis. The medical cannabis program in the country is well developed due to the evidence-based approach in the management of the program.

            Countries where Cannabis is Legal for both Medical and Recreational use

            United States: A Patchwork of Cannabis Laws

            United States: A Patchwork of Cannabis Laws

            For medical use, the drug is legal in 38 states, and it is legal for recreational use in 23 states and Washington D.C. But cannabis is still unlawful at the federal level, which has led to the fact that every state has its laws regarding this plant.

              Notable States Where Cannabis is Legal:

              California: Illegal for medical and sort of legal for recreational use.
              Colorado: Is one of the pioneer states that legislated for the recreational use of marijuana in 2012.
              New York: Recreational use of cannabis became fully legal in 2021.

              Regulations in the U.S.:

              Age: The legal age to consume recreational cannabis depends on the state, but it is 21 years.
              Regulation: The states individually control the growth, sale, and the amount of revenue to be collected from the plant.

              Medical Use: Some diseases that are treated with Medical marijuana include chronic pain, anxiety, and nausea arising from chemotherapy.

              Why Cannabis Laws are Different in the US? The United States has a federal form of government and as such each state is entitled to adopt its policies on cannabis. While some of the states have fully legalized cannabis, some still have severe prohibitions on the substance.

              The federal government still has not acted on this subject as the legalization of cannabis use is still state-dependent and very diverse.

              Countries where Cannabis is still illegal

              However, there are still some nations that still have stringent laws that prohibit the use of marijuana even at a time when normal demand for cannabis has been legalized. Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and Japan are but some countries where consuming marijuana and having it in your possession attracts dire consequences.

              Singapore: Cannabis is prohibited and persons found in possession of the same or a small quantity of the substance can be severely punished or killed.
              Saudi Arabia: The use of Marijuana is strictly prohibited by law; anyone caught with it will be arrested and receive a prison term, as well as a hefty fine.
              Japan: Interstate travel and commerce in cannabis are prohibited and anybody found mainly engaging in the use or possession of cannabis is liable to imprisonment and other fines.

              Why Would Some Countries Not Legalize Marijuana? Those countries that continue to outlaw the substance usually do so in the name of public health, substance dependency or societal stability. Some of these countries harbor deep moral issues with marijuana and even when they might consider legalization they are not likely to do so anytime soon.


              Take a look at the current increase in the worldwide legalization of marijuana.
              Due to more countries embracing cannabis for medical or recreational use, the cannabis market is still growing at an ever-increasing rate. Currently, Canadian and Uruguayan governments have pioneered legalization while U.S. Calderon eleven states, Germany, as well as Australia, are progressing in medical Marijuana availability.

              When it comes to the future of cannabis legalization, the outlook is just as great as the current progress shows that more countries are poised to approve cannabis as more years pass. Whether you are interested in investing in the cannabis industry or just curious about the increasingly available licensed countries, it is always important to understand the legal context of cannabis internationally.

              Are you interested in more information about the legal status of cannabis in your country or do you plan your trip to the place, where cannabis is legal for use, both for medicinal and recreational purposes?